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What's News

Writer's picture: The Gordian TeamThe Gordian Team

Ever got the feeling you're being watched? Maybe that empty lane's not empty at all...maybe...just maybe, someone or something's just lurking in the shadows, ready to jump you for all you're worth.

Nothing's scarier than the unknown, ain't it?

Well, why not find out if your business is stepping on someone's toes or if someone's encroaching into your turf.

This Oct we're giving away FREE IP CONSULTATIONS and FREE SEARCHES in Malaysia (Trademark and Patent) to 5 local startups.

Make sure your brand or your invention is safe and sound! You know who you gonna call...

Terms and Conditions:

This offer is available to Malaysian Startups only. We reserve the rights to modify, suspend, or terminate the offer without prior notice. Offer ends 31 October 2019.


Y'all probably know how to register your trademark locally, but how do you register your trademark globally? The conventional method of protecting your trademark overseas would be to file an application in your target country. If you intend to register your trademark in a large number of countries, you would then have to replicate the same process in each of them...over and over and over again! Sounds tedious? Costly? Well, have we some mighty good news for you!

Malaysia has recently acceded to the Madrid System, which gives you the means to go global with just one trademark application. The Madrid System simplifies your trademark application by allowing you to file one single application that covers the countries of your choice (up to 121 countries). Member countries include South East Asian nations like Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, and other countries with sizable markets like Australia, China, the United States, and the European Union.

The Madrid System also makes trademark registration overseas much cheaper than if you were to file individual corresponding applications. So now, instead of paying 121 attorneys in 121 countries to file your trademark application in each of the country’s local trademark office, you only need to deal with one attorney and one trademark office.

Sounds great? You bet it is! So what are you waiting for? Give us a holler and find out how we can help secure your brand globally.

Writer's picture: The Gordian TeamThe Gordian Team

Red, blue, yellow, white...different colours and shapes come together to make our Jalur Gemilang, so what is Malaysia without her sons and daughters of different races, creeds, and colours?

This Merdeka month, let us stand tall, but most importantly, let us stand together! We will make Malaysia greater by looking to the needs of those around us. After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link...

So, to do our part, we are waiving our fees for trademark registration for the first 5 Malaysian Startups to PM us the code "2gedergeder".

Terms and Conditions:

This offer is available to Malaysian Startups only. It is not inclusive of the official fees payable to the IP office. And we reserve the rights to modify, suspend, or terminate the offer without prior notice. Offer ends 31 August 2019.

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